
🟩Set Channel

Sets the current channel as the wordle channel, this is one of the first commands you should run when you add the bot. If you don't do this, the bot will not track your entries.

🟩Set Role

Sets a role as the wordle admin role, this allows your users to use the admin commands. By default the only user who can use the admin commands is the server owner.

🟩Purge User

Purges a user from the database, this action is irreversible. Use this command if you want to make space in the database for another more active user and have their wordles tracked.

🟩Reset Users

Resets all users in the database. This action is irreversible. Use this command if you want to start fresh.

🟩Reset Leaderboard

Resets the leaderboard in the database. This action is irreversible. Use this command if you want to start a fresh leaderboard.

🟩Upgrade Server

Provides a link to to this webiste to upgrade your server to a premium server.

🟩Server Status

Shows the current server status, Use this command if you want to check the current server status. It will show you infomation on premium status, premium expiry and the current user count being tracked.

🟩Export Data

Exports all the data from the database. It will export the data in a JSON format. It does not delete the data from the database.

🟩Enable Notifications

Enable notifications for achievements, or limits

🟩Disable Notifications

Disable notifications for achievements, or limits

🟩My Stats

Shows your stats for the current user.

🟩My Achievements

Shows the achievements you have unlocked for the current user


Shows the leaderboard for the server


Shows all the commands, these commands will be filtered by your permission levels


🟩I've installed the bot, what initial steps are there?

One you add the bot to your server, you need to use the /set-channel command so that the bot knows where to track your wordles.

🟩How do I set other users as admins?

You can use the /set-role command to set a role as the admin role, this allows your users to use the admin commands. By default the only user who can use the admin commands is the server owner.

🟩Why do you charge for the bot?

We charge for the bot on larger servers so we can offset the costs of running the server that hosts the bot and the database storing the data.

🟩Can I provide feedback/suggestions?

Sure, you can provide feedback/suggestions by joining the support server and using the #feedback channel. You can join the support server by clicking here here.

🟩What happens if I remove the bot from my server

If you remove the bot from your server, all the data that is stored in the database will be deleted. This includes all the wordle entries, the leaderboard and the achievements. If you want to save this data we recommend you use the /export-data command to export the data to JSON .

🟩What happens if my subscription expires and I am over the 5 user limit?

If your subscription expires and you are over the 5 user limit, all the users after the 5th user will be purged from the database. This includes all the wordle entries, the leaderboard and the achievements. This occurs 3 days after your subscription ends. If you want to save this data we recommend you use the /export-data command to export the data to JSON.